AUDE Higher Education Estates Management Report 2019

The report by AUDE succinctly summaries the opportunities that exist within higher education for estates and facilities management professionals. In contrast to many private sector organisations who are constricting their footprint in challenging economic times, universities are growing at a rapid pace. University income has grown by 7.4% to £35.9bn which has seen their estates grow by 442,000 sq.m (which is the equivalent growth of 53 new Shards). The strategic emphasis is to manage these new portfolios in innovative and dynamic ways. This opens up a viable career move for professionals from outside higher education who have track records of delivering change and transformation in a comparable environment of exceptional service delivery.

Click here to download the full report

Please contact our Directors Michael Hewlett or Ben Duffill if you would like an informal/confidential discussion about a career in higher education.

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