Twentytwo – A diverse business community in the middle of London

The workplace is changing. Some organisations haven’t quite come to terms with the demands for the new vision of “work”. Appreciating that creating an environment which is focussed on personal development, cultural fulfilment and allowing individuality within a corporate organisation is a challenging concept but one which is critical to recruiting the best talent, retaining them and ensuring peak performance is achieved.

On a micro scale, this has been achieved in small pockets and normally within SME’s. It has not yet occurred on a large scale when encompassing a significant business campus or tower.
Twentytwo seeks to be a place with office and social spaces that bring out the best in people. It has been designed from the outset with a sense of civic space and scale. Over 100,000 sq ft of space within Twentytwo is dedicated to supporting people and businesses with a variety of environments and services that enhance working life and productivity.The people behind Twentytwo “get” what the future of workplace looks like and it is hugely exciting not only from a real estate perspective but from a wider UK commerce perspective.

For further information please see the links below or contact the Twentytwo recruitment partner on –

Head of Twentytwo

Soft Landing Manager

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